How To Fix AOL Mail Not Receiving Emails?

Not receiving emails on the AOL Mail account is a severe issue. In a survey, we have found that almost 30% of users are always affected by this issue. Due to this, they spend lots of time on the internet trying to find solutions.

Causes Of AOL Mail Not Receiving Emails. – 

AOL mail not receiving emails

Generally, AOL users can’t get new emails because of incorrect mail settings or server issues. Most of the time, It happens because of poor connection or spam settings issues. sometimes, other settings can also be responsible for not receiving emails, such as –

  • Filter settings are incorrect. 
  • Mails are being forwarded to another location. 
  • AOL mail servers are down due to the heavy flood. 
  • Internet connectivity issue. 
  • The browser or application is unable to sync to the AOL mail servers. 
  • Incoming and Outgoing settings are not valid. 

How To Fix AOL Mail Not Receiving Emails?

Solution 1- Try another browser- 

Whenever AOL Mail is not working, you should try it on the new browser. Let’s see if you can receive emails there or not. 

Suppose you are still unable to find new emails. You should jump to the next step and find the solution to your problem. 

Solution 2- Check the spam & Trash folder-

You should check the Spam and Trash folders whenever you can’t receive new emails in your inbox. Are you getting emails there?

  1. Open an AOL mail account
  2. Click on the Spam Or Junk folder
  3. Open the email that you have received in the Junk/Spam folder. 
  4. Click on the Not Spam folder. 

If yes, then it means that you have accidentally blocked incoming emails. In such a condition, you will have to follow step 2.

Solution 3- Delete Mail filters-

Sometimes, mail filters can block incoming emails in the inbox folder. You should take a look at the mail filter settings. If you find any redirecting email filter, you need to delete them.

  1. Open an AOL mail account.
  2. Click on the settings.
  3. Press the More settings option.
  4. Now click on the filters.
  5. Select your mail filter from the left section.
  6. Press the delete button available next to it.
  7. Perform the same actions for other mail filters.

After deleting the mail filters, you may refresh your mailbox. 

Solution 4- Check AOL Mail Service – 

Let’s go to the down detector. Here, you need to click on the AOL mail option. Now check the service status. If AOL services are down in your area and many users are reporting the same problem. This means that this is a server problem. 

So you need to wait until the AOL team recognizes and fixes this issue. This may take up to 24 hours. 

Solution- 4 – Optimize your browser- 

Sometimes, AOL mail users cannot find new emails because of browser issues. So, you must clear the browser cache and reload the AOL mail account. 

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Go to chrome://history
  3. Select the clear browsing data option. 
  4. Now select all options. 
  5. Click on the done button. 

If this doesn’t work, you should install another browser. Now, try to access the AOL account through it.

Solution 6- Unblock the Address- 

If you cannot receive emails from a specific address, you should check the block list. Probably, you have blocked the sender. That’s why you can’t get new emails from them. 

  1. Open an AOL mail account
  2. Click on the settings >> More settings
  3. Choose the security & Privacy option. 
  4. Select the sender’s email address and click on the delete button. 

Once you delete their email address from the blocked list, you will start receiving emails from them. 

Solution 7- Check internet connection – 

Apart from the browser issues, sometimes AOl users can’t receive emails because of internet connection issues. So you need to open a or website. Here, you need to check the download and upload speed. 

If it is too low, you must talk to your insurance provider to get it fixed. After that, your browser will start syncing to the AOL mail servers. 

Solution 8- Check Incoming & outgoing server status – 

You need to check the server status if AOL mail doesn’t receive new emails on the third-party mail application.

You probably entered the incorrect incoming and outgoing server address. Also, sometimes, it may happen when Imap servers are not responding

If you find the account settings incorrect, you need to update them. Now, refresh your mailbox. 

Solution 8 – Fix Email delivery delay – 

Sometimes, users can’t get new emails because of the delay. When AOL mail servers are busy, or the internet is slow. You won’t be able to retrieve new emails immediately. 

In that case, you need to check the internet speed first. If it is too slow, you need to fix it. Otherwise, this could be a server problem. So you need to wait until AOL mail fixes it. 

Solution 9- Disable VPN/Proxy Mode –

Sometimes, AOL mail doesn’t receive emails on the desktop or laptop because of proxy, VPN, or antivirus problems. So you need to go to the Proxy settings. Here, you need to deactivate the VPN/Proxy and other settings. After that, you should refresh the mailbox. It should be working fine. 

Solution 11- Sync AOL mail account on mail app –  

If you have tried the above steps but AOL mail couldn’t sync new emails, you must delete the current account from the mail app. 

Now, again, set up the AOL account on the Windows Mail app using the IMAP 4 settings. Your mail app will start syncing your new emails. 

Faq’s Related To AOL Mail Not Getting Emails?

Why is AOL mail not receiving emails on android phone?

When AOL Mail doesn’t receive emails on the android phone, you need to check the Airplane / DND settings. make sure that the internet is working perfectly fine. Now check the incoming and outgoing server settings. For more details, you need to visit: Why is my AOL mail not working on android phone.

What To Do When AOL mail doesn’t Get New Emails On Iphone?

Let’s check the internet connection first. now check the auto fetch settings. also, you need to update the mail settings. For more details, you need to visit; why can’t I get AOL mail on iphone?

Ajay Rathaur

I am a tech blogger who is always excited to write about technology. Especially related to printers and computers, and email. Along with writing, I have also worked as a technical support engineer for 5 years.

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