How To Use Wave To Unlock For Door Entry With Openpath

Any business or workplace should have employee safety and well-being as a top priority. This may seem like a no-brainer, as many business owners ensure staff are well equipped with everything they need and know the general rules of the building. However, your team may be in harm’s way just by accessing the workplace.

Every day, many people touch door handles and keypads, and as pandemic risks are on the rise, this is becoming unsafe and impractical. In addition, 65% of viruses are said to be capable of spreading to uncontaminated hands by touching fomites (surfaces with viruses and infections present). But how can your business combat these risk factors? 

In this article, we will cover Openpaths state-of-the-art touchless access control tool that will help your business become a hands-free, safe space for your staff and clients. 

How To Use Wave To Unlock For Door Entry With Openpath

What is touchless access control? 

Touchless access control is a means of granting your staff access to the workplace without using the usual accesses that require physical touch, such as; door handles, key safes and keypads. Instead, touchless access can be granted by hand waving or phone identification. 


Openpath wave to unlock system 

Openpath’s access control solution is a great and viable option for businesses of any size due to their easy-to-use mobile phone app and hands-free unlock configurations. Here is how it works; 

The system is operated through a smart reader, video reader or video intercom reader pro. Each design works wonderfully, but you may need to assess the best fit for your company based on the size and number of visitors you usually have.

The door entry system is cloud-based and works by using Wifi, Bluetooth and cellular communication. The system will recognize your staff’s phone and grant access accordingly. 

You may think if this system is run using smart technology, why do we wave to unlock the door? This is another factor that makes the system easy to use, as your phone does not need to be directly held to the reader to recognize that it is you. As long as you wave and your phone is in a pocket or bag, the system will know it is you. 

Your wave-to-unlock system will be mounted at the access point in your building on an easily displayable wall.

The different Openpath systems

The smart reader simply works by your workers waving to unlock and having their phone on them, whether in their bag or pocket. The software recognizes the device and allows them access. If your staff don’t have mobile phones, they can also use contactless access cards.

The video reader works similarly but has a camera attached. This can further help your business with security purposes and recognizing who is coming in and out the door easier. 

The video intercom reader pro has all the attributes of the previous systems but also has doorbell and intercom software. As a result, this device may be favourable to businesses that receive many deliveries and, therefore, need some intercom security measures. 

No matter which system you choose, you can rest easy knowing that users won’t need touch to enter the workplace anymore. The triple unlock technology is also incredibly secure, with a 99.9% reliability rating! 

The benefits of using an Openpath system 

Of course, you may be wondering what the benefits are when splurging your money on a brand new system, as you may think that doorbells work just fine. Below are some benefits of an Openpath wave to unlock system; 

  • Reliability. How often have you stood at a door for over five minutes because everyone is too busy to answer the doorbell? With an Openpath system, you can be assured that the triple unlock technology included in the design can support an easy-to-enter hands-free approach.
  • A considerable benefit of an Openpath system is that you can grant access without being on-site. This is useful for companies with hybrid working models, as you can manage and give visitors access to the building without having to be there in person. 
  • Security threats become less severe when having a system such as Openpath, as fewer key cards are required to enter the building. Cloning entry methods will become less of a risk, whilst you can also have peace of mind that your security system is encrypted between the mobile app and controller. 


This article should have given you a better idea of the benefits of having a touchless access control system. Whether the lowered health risk factors are enticing you, or you like the idea of being able to work your security system for home, there are many reasons you may be considering the installation of a touchless access control system. 

Ajay Rathaur

I am a tech blogger who is always excited to write about technology. Especially related to printers and computers, and email. Along with writing, I have also worked as a technical support engineer for 5 years.

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