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Epson printer error light blinking

Level 4 Expert

I need help in fixing epson printer error light blinking issue. whenever I give the print command. It won't respond. just shows me only flashing orange error light. 

What could be the reason behind it.

Topic starter Posted : 28/01/2025 6:10 am
Prominent Member

Usually paper jam error appears on the Epson printer because of the paper jam or ink cartridge issue.

  1. So first of all, you need to make sure that there is no broken paper inside your printer. Also, the paper should not be in the machine.
  2. Let’s check that the ink toner is installed properly. If you are not sure about it, you need to uninstall the ink cartridge and then install the ink cartridge back into your device.
  3. Sometimes, Epson printer shows error light when front door are open. So you need to close it if it is already opened.

Once you make these changes into your Epson machine. Your device will start working fine.

Posted : 28/01/2025 2:30 pm
Level 3 Expert

Let's try to clean the print heads and nozzle. To do that, you need to make these changes. 

  • First of all, you need to go to the settings. 
  • Go to the printers & scanner settings. 
  • Click on the Printing preferences. 
  • Here, you need to click on the maintenance option. 
  • Now click on the clean printhead. 
  • Once the ink head is cleaned, you need to clean the nozzle as well. 

Once you will make these changes into your printer. It should start working fine. In case, if it is still not working, you repeat this cycle. 

Posted : 28/01/2025 2:42 pm
Level 4 Expert

I tried these steps on my device but it didn't workout for me. Do you have any suggestions? 

Topic starter Posted : 04/02/2025 4:04 pm